Contact Information
Mailing Address
Athens, CAES Campus
317 Poultry Science Building,
Athens, GA 30602
Shipping Address
Athens, CAES Campus
110 Cedar Street,
Athens, GA 30602
Ph.D, Physiology, North Carolina State University
M.S., Physiology, North Carolina State University
B.S., Animal Science, North Carolina State University
B.S., Poultry Science, North Carolina State University
Research Interests
Broiler management including air quality, energy conservation, lighting programs, and water consumption and quality
Academic Program
Extension education responsibilities include areas of broiler management and production. Other activities include preparation of and participation in 4H and FFA poultry judging contests, as well as contributing to programs that assist county extension personnel.
Research programs focus on the effect that management has on broiler physiology and production. The purpose of this research is to examine new technologies that could be adapted to improve broiler production.
Teaching responsibilities include POUL 4010 Advance Poultry Production.
Selected Journal Publications
Fairchild, B.D., J.K Northcutt, J.M. Mauldin, R.J. Buhr, L.J. Richardson, N.A. Cox, 2006. Influence of water provision to chicks prior to placement and effects on performance and incidence of unabsorbed yolk sacs. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 15:538-543.
Fairchild, B.D., A.B. Batal, C.W. Ritz and P.F. Vendrell, 2006. Effect of drinking water iron concentration on broiler performance. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 15:511-517.
Webster, A.B., B.D. Fairchild, T.S. Cummings and P.A. Stayer, 2008. Validation of a three-point gait-scoring system for field assessment of walking ability of commercial broilers. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 17:529-539.
Roche, A.J., N.A.Cox, L.J. Richardson, R.J. Buhr, J.A. Cason, B.D. Fairchild, and N.C.Hinkle, 2009. Transmission of Salmonella to broilers by contaminated larval and adult lesser mealworms, Alphitobius diaperinus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Poultry Sci. 88:44-48.
Benson, A.P., V.L. Christensen, B.D. Fairchild, A.J. Davis, 2009. The mRNA for zona pellucida proteins B1, C and D in two genetic lines of turkey hens that differ in fertility. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 111:149-159 clear.
Fairchild, B.D., M. Czarick, L.A. Harper, J.W. Worley, C.W. Ritz, B.D. Hale and L.P. Naeher, 2009. Ammonia concentrations downstream of broiler operations. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 18:630-639.
Hale, B.D., B.D. Fairchild, J.W. Worley, L.A. Harper, C.W. Ritz, M. Czarick, S.L. Rathbun, L.P. Naeher, 2010. Comparison of ammonia measurement methods inside and outside of tunnel ventilated broiler houses. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 19:245-262.
*Shepherd, E.M. and B.D. Fairchild, 2010. Footpad dermatitis in poultry. Poultry Sci. 89:2043-2051.
Ritz, C. W., A. S. Tasistro, D. E. Kissel, and B. D. Fairchild, 2011. Evaluation of surface-applied char on the reduction of ammonia volatilization from broiler litter. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 20:240-245.
Hausman, G. J., C.R. Barb, B.D. Fairchild, J. Gamble, and L. Lee-Rutherford, 2012. Expression of genes for interleukins, neuropeptides, growth hormone receptor, and leptin receptor in adipose tissue from growing broiler chickens. Domest. Anim. Endocrin. 43:260-263.
Sarkisov, S.S., M.C. Czarick, B.D. Fairchild, Y. Lang, T. Kukhtareva, and M.J. Curley, 2013. Colorimetric polymer-metal nanocomposite sensor of ammonia for the agricultural industry of confined animal feeding operations. Optical Engineering 53:021107.
Worley, J.W., M. Czarick, B.D. Fairchild, C.W. Ritz, L.A. Harper, B.D. Hale and L.P. Naeher, 2013. Monitoring of ammonia and fine particulates downwind of broiler houses-A field study. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 22:351-360.
Hausman G.J., C.R. Barb, B.D. Fairchild, J. Gamble, L. Lee-Rutherford, 2014. Gene expression profiling in adipose tissue from growing broiler chickens. Adipocyte 3:297-303;
C.S. Dunkley, B.D. Fairchild, C.W. Ritz, B.H. Kiepper, and M.P. Lacy, 2015. Carbon footprint of poultry production farms in South Georgia: a case study. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 24:73-79.
Ritz, C.W., B.H. Kiepper, and B.D. Fairchild, 2016. Evaluation of a cellulose-based industrial wastewater byproduct as broiler bedding. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 25:182-190.
A.P. Benson, M.N. Malloy, J.R. Steed, V.L. Christensen, B.D. Fairchild, A.J. Davis, 2017. Zona pellucida protein B2 messenger ribonucleic acid expression varies with follicular development and granulosa cell location1. Poult Sci 96:3414-3421.
Shepherd, E., B.D. Fairchild and C.W. Ritz, 2017. Alternative Bedding Materials and Litter Depth Impact Litter Moisture and Footpad Dermatitis. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 26:518-528.
Buhr, R.J., D. Bourassa, A. Hinton, Jr., B.D. Fairchild, C.W. Ritz, 2017. Impact of litter Salmonella status during feed withdrawal on Salmonella recovery from the broiler crop and ceca. Poultry Sci. 96:4361-4369.
Bourassa, D.V., K.M. Wilson, B.D. Fairchild, M. Czarick, R.J. Buhr, 2018. Microbiological status of broiler respiratory tracts before and during catching for transport to the processing plant, JAPR 27:597–602.
Cabrera, M. L., D.E. Kissel, B.D. Fairchild, S.M. Hassan, J.A. Rema, and K. Cassity-Duffy, 2018. Litter type and number of flocks affect sex hormones in broiler litter. Journal of Environmental Quality, 47:156-161.
Aston, E., M., Jackwood, R. Gogal, D. Hurley, B. Fairchild, D. Hilt, S. Cheng, L. Tensa, and M. Garcia, 2019. Ambient ammonia does not inhibit the immune response to infectious bronchitis virus vaccination and protection from homologous challenge in broiler chickens. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 217:109932.
Landrum, M.A., N.A. Cox, J.L. Wilson, M.E. Berrang, G.R. Gamble, M.A. Harrison, B.D. Fairchild, W.K. Kim, and A. Hinton, Jr, 2019. Reduction of campylobacter on poultry thighs using sequential treatments of antimicrobials. Adv. Food & Nutr. Sci. 4:1-7.
Harris. C.E., L.N. Bartenfeld Josselson, D.V. Bourassa, B.D. Fairchild, B.H. Kiepper, and R.J. Buhr, 2019. Evaluation of drinking water antimicrobial interventions on water usage, feed consumption, and salmonella retention in broilers following feed and water withdrawal J. Appl. Poult. Res. 28:699.